First and foremost, I would like to thank God for His grace which has enabled our Diocese to construct Radio Hekima FM Studio,in Mbinga Diocese. Likewise, special thanks to Our Bishop Most Rev. John C. Ndimbo, who was inspired by God to establish this project in our Diocese. Though many challenges he faced, could not disappoint him. It was really because of God’s hand.
The importance and impact of it, is highly seen in this hardest moment when the World is fighting against Corona disease. Radio Hekima which covers almost the whole southern highlands than any other station in this region, is playing a very great role to give education to the people around the area. Radio Hekima FM 102.7MHz started Broadcasting since February 2020, its impact to the local people is very high.
We thank God for this great reward to Mbinga Diocese, we too thank our Bishop for his zeal to accomplish the project. we continue praying to God that He may evacuate the World from this pandemic disease, May He also continue granting us His grace, so that we may accomplish constructing the project in remained areas.
Fr.Sospeter Mahundi
(Radio’s Assistant Director)
I am so glad I have found your web site today. Congratulations for the establishment of Radio Hekima. It is a wonderful way to reach many more people.